Ezzy Legacy 2022


„The Legacy has everything you need and nothing you don’t need. The Legacy reminds me of the days when I was getting full-on custom sails built for competition, they had none of the marketing b.s. that people think they need but don’t really. This sail is a classic Ezzy design, pure and simple. “

Kevin Pritchard – Ezzy Team Rider

3.7 – 5.2 –> Wave
5.5 – 5.8 –> Wave/Freeride
6.5 – 7.5 –> Freeride

Dieses Segel wird aus Stoff- und Folienresten genäht, die noch übrig sind. Daher kann man nicht genau sagen, welche Farbe sie haben werden. Lass dich überraschen 🙂



Größe Luff Boom Best Mast UVP Preis Black Friday Deals
3.7 362 + 3cm 140 – 149 370 581 € auf Anfrage
4.2 378 + 2cm 149 – 157 370 594 €
4.7 402 + 2cm 157 – 165 400 606 €
5.2 421 + 2cm 165 – 173 400 616 €
5.5 435 + 2cm 172 – 180 430 627 €
5.8 441 + 2cm 171 – 178 430 641 €
6.5 452 + 2cm 189 – 198 430 670 €
7.5 475 + 2cm 202 – 212 460 693 € 595 €


In an effort to improve the collection, David gave the new Legacy a more controllable feel across a wider wind spectrum. The new Legacy is also stronger. High density Spectra X Film is now used on the tack panel as well as the use of a combination of RBS epoxy battens and traditional battens.

The mantra of the Legacy is the same as its inception. The Legacy Series is designed to offer a more economically priced option for sailors that demand the reputable Ezzy quality. The Legacy Sails deliver basic performance and durability at an affordable price.

The smaller Legacy’s are designed for wave and bump & jump. The larger sizes are built for freeride blasting.

At the heart of it, the Legacy is ready to go to battle for anyone…from the PWA circuit (Graham Ezzy’s sail of choice for light wind competition) to recreational enthusiasts.

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