Softdogsurf Kennel Great Dane 6’2


Some call it a longboard outline, some call it a functional cruiser because of the tapered tail. The shape is gentle, sweet, affectionate. It loves to play. This dog is relaxed with beginners and more experienced surfers The Great Dane wants to be where the fun is, small or bigger waves.

You want to chat about this 6’2 softboard with us? Please do so… put your paw on the whatsapp button below and you might adopt this puppy soon.




Länge Breite Höhe Volumen Preis
6’2 22 5/16“ 3“ 48 l 470 €

Fin set-up: Including Thruster fins

-A rock solid construction
-Futures Fin boxes – thruster setup
-Lizard grippy top skin
-Integrated finboxes & leashplug
-Friendly volume shape

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